
Paved Paradise
In the Sunshine State, paradise is giving way to pavement. While our cities should be teeming with affordable housing and thriving small businesses, we find ourselves overwhelmed by a sea of parking lots. That's Florida today, thanks to outdated regulations forcing local builders and contracts to build parking spaces we don't need.
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It Takes Transit
Miami-Dade County has long struggled to create multiple, high-quality transportation options (other than car-centric infrastructure) and this lack of mobility options affects every aspect of our community.
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2023 Mobility Scorecard
Transit Alliance Miami advocates for walkable streets, bikeable neighborhoods, and better public transit for all of Miami-Dade County. Data is a cornerstone of our work to hold transportation agencies operating in our community accountable to the expectations they set and to the public’s needs.
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Better Bus Network
The Better Bus Network is the first advocacy-led and community-driven bus network redesign in the country. We have redesigned the bus network to increase frequent bus routes, create better connections, and make a more useful network.
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Build It – Bike It!
Our bike network has been fragmented and unsafe for years – and as more people choose to get to work, access services, and get around on two wheels – we need to build safer infrastructure to connect communities and places. We are advocating for a safe and connected core bike network.
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Transportation Authority
Our fragmented decision-making structure has led to decades of broken promises and transit being used as a political tool. We are advocating for an independent transportation authority that consolidates decision-making, funding and operations into one entity.
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Transit Alliance is the largest mobility advocacy organization in Miami-Dade County. Together with our coalition partners, elected leaders, hundreds of advocates, and a dedicated team – we have moved Miami forward on key mobility issues over the past few years.