
Walkable Streets


Bikeable Neighborhoods


Better Public Transit


Access to Opportunity






Affordable Living


Economic Prosperity


Reduced Emissions


Quality of Life


Saved Lives

It's more than getting from A to B.

Transportation is the fabric that binds any city together. How we do it affects every aspect of our community.

Frequent and reliable transit can connect Miamians to their next job, lift entire communities out of poverty, and eliminate thousands of dollars in car expenses for families in our County.

Making our streets safer is the foundation of a healthy community. Streets designed for people can save lives, reduce our emissions, and improve our quality of life.

We can build a more equitable and prosperous community through better mobility. The store down the street, the university campus, the corporate headquarters – every business, institution, and neighborhood stands to gain from a Miami that moves safer, faster and happier.

Let's move Miami forward, together.


Cathy Dos Santos

Executive Director

Nicholas Duran

Advocacy Manager

Mark Merwitzer

Policy Manager


Timothy Schmand

Timothy Schmand

Board Chair
Grace Perdomo

Grace Perdomo

Board Member

Director of Transportation + Mobility Planning at Zyscovich

Shaan Patel

Shaan Patel

Board Vice Chair
Irvans Augustin

Irvans Augustin

Founding Board Member
Nikisha Williams

Nikisha Williams

Board Member
Adam Old

Adam Old

Founding Board Member & Secretary
Anthony Louh

Anthony Louh

Board Member
Marta Viciedo

Marta Viciedo

Founder, Ex Officio Board Member